On October 15, Yaguang Shares 2023 new product promotion and the second technical exchange meeting was successfully held in Wenzhou。The exchange meeting with the theme of "Innovation and intelligent manufacturing integration and win-win", customers from all over the country gathered in Wenzhou to discuss the latest product technology and the future development of the industry。

△2023 Yaguang shares new product promotion and technical exchange meeting site

All the time,Yaguang shares attach great importance to exchanges and cooperation with customers,This meeting,The R&D and technical teams of Yaguang Shares and its member companies went to the meeting site together,To bring the latest product introduction, technical interpretation and solution application to customers,In-depth communication with customers face to face,Understand customer needs,Respond to customer technical inquiries,Discuss industry prospects together,Seek common development opportunities,It has created a technical feast that integrates product exchange and practical application。

 Chen Jingbo, general manager of Zhejiang Yaguang Technology Co., LTD

General Manager Chen Jingbo gave a welcoming speech for the meeting. Mr. Chen expressed his warmest welcome and sincere thanks to all the guests attending the meeting and wished the meeting a complete success。Mr. Chen said, "The strongest wisdom is the wisdom of the masses;The greatest force is the resultant force."。Yaguang shares look forward to working with new and old friends side by side, integration and win-win, and jointly contribute wisdom and strength for enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency and improve core competitiveness of enterprises。

Jiang Xiaoxiao, manager of technology Department of Zhejiang Yaguang Technology Co., LTD

In the keynote session, Jiang Xiaoxiao, manager of Yaguang Technology Department, brought to you the explanation of high gravity rectification and heat pump energy saving technology。Heat pump distillation system based on matte super gravity distillation bed, combined with its subsidiary LohengMVR steam recompression technology, to provide customers with customized efficient heat pump energy-saving technology solutions, effectively solve the shortcomings of traditional distillation high energy consumption, and has good separation effect, energy saving advantages。

Zhejiang Yaguang Technology Co., LTD. Technology Department single cone non-standard project team mechanical engineer Yin Zhichao

Yin Zhichao, mechanical engineer of the single cone non-standard project team of Yaguang Science and Technology Department, gave a detailed explanation and explanation of the form and application of the cone type filter washing dryer。Cone type filter washing dryer adds a new member to Yaguang's "three-in-one" matrix, once again showing Yaguang's strong research and development and production capacity in the field of pharmaceutical machinery。

△ Chen Xinghua, sales manager of Zhejiang Yaguang Technology Co., LTD

Chen Xinghua, sales manager of Yaguang Technology, introduced the system and application of the rotary vertical (rubber plug, aluminum cap) cleaning machine,Yaguang shares as a rubber plug/aluminum cap cleaning machine national industry standard drafting unit,The products introduced this time are mainly used for cleaning, sterilization, drying, cooling, positive pressure closed storage and transport for specific small and medium batch rubber plugs/aluminum caps with higher aseptic requirements。

Li Weihua, technical director of Hebei Leheng Energy Saving Equipment Co., LTD

Li Weihua, technical director of Hebei Leheng Energy Saving Equipment Co., LTD., a subsidiary of Yaguang Shares, gave a wonderful explanation about the development and application of power equipment in new scenarios, new processes and new parameters, so that enterprise customers present had an in-depth understanding of MVR energy saving technology and application scenarios。

△ Zhang Liwei, sales director of Hebei Leheng Energy Saving Equipment Co., LTD

Zhang Liwei, Sales director of Leheng Energy Conservation, gave a wonderful keynote speech on the application and process optimization of MVR steam recovery。Loheng has deep technical accumulation and rich project experience in the integration of MVR evaporation crystallization system and upstream and downstream production line,Loheng's MVR technology has been widely used in pharmaceutical, lithium, chemical, environmental protection and other fields,Not only for customers to save operating costs,At the same time, it also contributes its own strength to the national energy conservation and emission reduction to achieve carbon neutrality。

Yang Wenming, product director of Hebei Daliheng Machinery Equipment Co., LTD

As a professional company dedicated to the design, production and research and development of pharmaceutical and chemical powder solid treatment equipment and system engineering, Hebei Daliheng Machinery Equipment Co., LTD., a subsidiary of Yaguang, has brought perfect powder solid treatment solutions to you by Yang Wenming, the company's product director。

△ Production workshop of Yaguang Company

After the end of the keynote speech, the participating customers walked into the production workshop, learned about the modern production process of Yaguang Shares in detail, and visited the key products of the exchange meeting in close proximity and detailed understanding. The customers have affirmed the company's manufacturing capacity。Subsequently, in Yaguang Company to carry out a sub-venue technical exchange, we in different venues for different products and technology for in-depth exchanges and heated discussions。After the fierce collision of ideas, customers have a further understanding of Yaguang's products and technologies, and are more confident in the future development of Yaguang shares。

This conference is not only a product and technology exchange collision, but also a friendship event, but also a future-oriented, integration and win-win exchange event。

2023 is an important year in the history of Yaguang shares: the company successfully went public, continued to deepen the market, extended business areas, and expanded the industrial scale...As a veteran enterprise in the field of pharmaceutical machinery in China, Yaguang has won the trust and support of our customers with high quality and high standard products。In the future, Yaguang Shares will continue to give play to the technological advantages of enterprises, firmly grasp the pulse of The Times, deepen the market, break through innovation, move steadily, and work together with all employees and customers to create a better future!